Ten Things I’ve Done Since Starting My Blog

Hayley's Joys turns 10

This month marks ten years since I’ve started my blog, Hayley’s Joys!

I have been reminiscing about the last decade and how this platform of mine has changed my life in so many ways. It’s just so crazy how incredibly fast this last decade has gone by, yet if I look back, there are just so many amazing memories that has been made.

Hayley’s Joys was inspired by my pregnancy and transition into becoming a Mom for the first time. I was literally just so inspired by this transition in my life, that I had this burning desire to share and connect with other Moms. As time went by, I found myself sharing and connecting with my readers on other passions of mine and it has truly been a beautiful journey which continues to this day. While I don’t share on my physical blog that often anymore, my social media platforms are growing and demanding more of my time.

But as I celebrate this decade long journey and blogging milestone, I thought I’d share some of the amazing experiences, learnings and opportunities that have come my way, right here – and it’s all thanks to the decision I made ten years ago, to launch Hayley’s Joys.

Ten Things I’ve Done Since Starting My Blog

Family Experiences

Family adventures

Probably the most valuable result of starting my blog are the family experiences that we have had together! We have had opportunities to travel together, attend so many amazing events and get to explore our home city as tourists.

I also love sharing these experiences with you and it makes me happy to know how much you appreciate these recommendations as it gives you some ideas to create your own experiences and memories with your family.

Networking is everything – I’ve Met Some Amazing People

Over the past decade, I have met so many people in the blogging and social media community which has made this journey so much more exciting. Fellow bloggers, content creators, influencers, brands, PR agents, followers, readers – each and every single person I have encountered along the way has made this such a great ride!

It’s Taken Me Out Of My Comfort Zone

Having been a working girl in the same industry for a number of years, shaking things up by starting my own blog was a big step for me. I also just became a Mom at the time, so I had (and still do) to manage my time in order to give everything my full attention. It certainly took me out of that 9-5 comfort zone! But one thing it taught me, is that if you really want to do something then you will find the time to do it!

I Was On TV and Radio!!!

This one is something I still can’t get over lol but nevertheless, I was on national TV a few times featuring on both the Expresso show and Afternoon Express. I was also interviewed on a radio show. It was all really pinch me moments, which made this journey so special – especially when my children could be part of it all.

I mean, we even got to do a trolley dash on national television 🙂

This one was my favourite though – it was a segment on our experience homeschooling during lockdown.

We featured in magazines too!

We also featured in a few magazines, but the Mothers Day feature in the PNP Fresh Living Magazine was probably my favourite.

I’ve Upskilled

The return on investing in yourself is high!

Every single skill you learn will come in handy in some point.

I have gained so many new skills over the last ten years – copywriting, photography, marketing, social media, video editing, public speaking and more.

I am constantly learning.

I have learned to not underestimate myself

Having worked with a number of brands and collaborations in a space where there are thousands of other creators, I found out very early on that there is space for everyone! Comparison is the thief of joy and one can easily get onto that band wagon, but I always try my best to remember that I am driving in my own lane and that I shouldn’t underestimate my own abilities for any reason.

I know what I am capable of. I don’t chase, I attract. That’s always been my approach when it comes to my little corner of the internet.

I have become an expert

This is another very rewarding part of my journey. I have had the privilege to share my learnings and knowledge about blogging and social media with others. Most recently, I am one of the speakers in the Simple Steps To Blogging Summit which is a great learning opportunity for those wanting to learn about launching and growing your own blog or social media platforms.

I share simple steps to being flexible and adaptable in this space and being present on various platforms.

Personal Growth

Last but not least, the personal growth that has come with this journey has just been priceless. I’ve been reflecting and asked myself where would I have been if I didn’t click that “publish” button on my very first blog post? It’s been such a long road, sometimes challenging but overall it’s been a massive source of joy for me, a creative outlet and an opportunity to connect with many.

Gratitude is what I have for each and everyone who has supported me by reading my blog posts and engaging with me on social media. I appreciate you all.

I absolutely love doing what I do and cannot wait to see what the next 10 years will have in store for Hayley’s Joys.

Watch this space.



Thank you for reading.

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