Why We Love The KidloLand App For Preschoolers And Toddlers {WIN}


I’ve had the Kidloland app downloaded on my phone for a good few years! My kids have made use of it from the toddler phase right up until now where they are in their preschool years.

In fact, I shared a review previously!

The app has however been updated a few times since then, now offering content for Kids for up to 8 years.

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3 Signs You’re Living With a “Threenager”


We’ve all heard about the ’terrible twos’. Two year old’s have a reputation for being a handful, but what I’ve come to learn is that the ‘threenager’ phase is what parents need to be wary of!

At the age of two, they can be quite defiant, but at the age of 3 they can actually talk a lot more and with that, their attitude is beginning to fully develop!

A Threenager is a willful three-year old with the attitude capability of a sixteen year-old!  They are most likely just completed their potty training and can’t help his or her feisty and demanding little self.

As Aidan turns 4 this month, I am sure that this phase was just another stage of development which will pass. So you can say I’m quite experienced in identifying a “threenager” & here are 3 signs that can help you identify if you have a feisty dictator of a three-year old taking over your home:

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Toddler Tantrums! 


Whether its the terrible two’s or the transition with the new sibling, I’m not sure but Alyssa is definitely going through a significant change in behaviour.

Listening to Mom and Dad is just not happening, throwing food off her plate, crying for no apparent reason, hanging on Dads ear (literally) whenever she gets a chance, waking up during the night crying and screaming for milk – these are just some of the things which she has been doing lately. We’ve done all we can to make the transition of 2 kids easier for her and we seemed to have made some progress but then life happened. Mom had to spend a week in hospital with baby bro and we were back to square one.

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